Exercises for pregnant women

Be healthy and fit during pregnancy and ensure a better recovery after childbirth.




The program for pregnant women at the Body & Mind Center combines several complementary methods, each of which in its own way contributes to a healthy pregnancy and faster recovery after childbirth .

DNS and STOTT PILATES® are the main methods of this program that jointly contribute to proper breathing and posture , optimal mobility and stability , maintenance of muscle tone , better circulation and risk-free relaxation .

By joint application of methods, we got a very creative and efficient system, with a rich repertoire of exercises, restorative and preventive in nature . The program is carried out in small groups on mats, with the use of small props and on Pilates machines. All exercises of this system were designed and modified by doctors and physiotherapists of the respective schools, which confirms the safety of their application.

Our Prenatal program pays special attention to the proper functioning of the diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles, the appropriate activation of all stabilizers of the lumbar-pelvic region and the shoulder girdle and neck.

By applying specially modified exercises, the entire body is toned, posture is improved, back and neck pain is reduced, mobility is increased and balance is improved . The effects of this training are a more pleasant pregnancy and faster recovery after childbirth, and it greatly contributes to an easier birth.

The Body & Mind renatal program has been part of our work since 2003, and a huge number of satisfied pregnant women have gone through it, many of them more than once. Our exercises for pregnant women are led by trainers with completed pre- and post-natal specialization, and some of them have gone through pregnancy and childbirth themselves, which contributes to their better sensibility in working with pregnant women.

Participants of the PRENATAL and POSTNATAL programs can use ACTIVE group terms and vice versa. Given the small number of participants in the group, the modification of the training and the moderate tempo of the performance, we have the possibility of additional adaptation of the content for special population groups.


Body & Mind offers programs that include strength, power, shaping, flexibility and fitness exercises, which contribute to the reduction of subcutaneous fat and the formation of quality muscle tissue.

If you want to become a fit mom, we recommend all programs of PROGRESSIVE® fitness training and PILATES, especially the one on machines.

By training at Body & Mind, new mothers will improve their fitness and strength , improve posture and movement, build a slim and toned body , improve breathing, awareness and self-confidence.

The results of this program are permanent and far-reaching and will touch the body and mind.



After childbirth, especially in cases of caesarean section, surgical incision of the perineum , separation of the rectus abdominis muscle , pathological relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles and uterine prolapse, it is necessary to start with a modified exercise regime, the so-called Post-natal program.

Post-natal is a smart transition from pregnancy to training . Only after a well-conducted post-natal period can one start with other recreational programs of higher intensity. This program mostly uses the content of the DNS AND STOTT PILATES® method and other modified forms of exercise. The program is created differently with regard to the method of childbirth and breastfeeding.

Generally speaking, Pre-natal aims to activate and tone all layers of the muscles of the abdomen, back and pelvis, especially the deep ones, and increase the mobility of the spine and all joints. The program then continues with appropriate development of endurance, strength and flexibility of the body and muscle shaping.

It is important to note that in the case of major separations of the abdomen as a result of pregnancy, episiotomy (surgical incision of the perineum), caesarean section, spontaneous abortion, keeping the pregnancy, etc., it is mandatory to undergo post-natal care before starting recreational exercise and even in cases where it has already passed a few years since pregnancy.

Every pregnancy and birth leaves a mark on the body in the form of some dysfunction or compensation. Only with a specially designed and modified program is it possible to reduce existing imbalances, reactivate inhibited muscles and create a good basis for safe intensification of training in recreation.

Participants of the PRENATAL and POSTNATAL programs can use ACTIVE group terms and vice versa. Given the small number of participants in the group, the modification of the training and the moderate tempo of the performance, we have the possibility of additional adaptation of the content for special population groups.

Ovdje dodajte tekst naslovav

Pronađimo program za vas

Kako bih vam pomogli da postanete fit, prvo moramo utvrditi vašu trenutnu formu.

Jeste li spremni?

Ako možete proći kroz maraton gledanja serija bez pauze, to je već dobar početak! Ali ako želite da vam mišići budu jednako snažni kao vaš daljinski, predlažemo plan koji uključuje više od pomicanja prstiju po ekranu.

Zajedno ćemo osmisliti režim koji će vaše tijelo pretvoriti u mašinu – mašinu za uživanje u zdravom životu, naravno!

1 / 3

Da li imate vremena za odlazak u fitness centre?

2 / 3

Vaša idealna težina i forma je u ovom trenu:

3 / 3

Da li Vam je neophodan nadzor trenera?

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The average score is 0%

Želite li savjete vrhunskih stručnjaka?

E-book naših stručnjaka, Mirele Anić i Igora Blažinića pomoći će Vam da steknete formu i naučite tehnike disanja. Ostavite Vašu e-mail adresu i preuzmite Vaš primjerak.


Treninzi u grupama odvijaju se u malim trenažnim skupinama od 6 do 8 polaznika.
Male grupe omogućuju veću individualizaciju programa unutar iste skupine. Treninzi grupa programiraju se s ciljem postizanja konkretnih rezultata za određeni period, poštujući sastav grupe, razinu sposobnosti i mogućnosti klijenata unutar grupe. I unutar grupnih programa pazi se na kvalitetu podučavanja i kontrole izvođenja vježbi svakog sudionika te se nastoji odgovoriti individualno specifičnim zahtjevima klijenata unutar grupe.

Najbolji dio treninga u grupi je motivacijska atmosfera, veselje i pozitivizam koji su važan pokretač u kontinuiranoj brizi za zdravlje i vrhunsku formu.
Preporuča se osobama s ranijim iskustvom u treningu i osobama bez ograničenja, izuzev grupnih Prenatal i Active programa.

Tipovi grupnih trening programa:

  • PILATES na mašinama (dominantno na Reformeru)
  • PILATES na parteru (MATWORK)
  • PROGRESSIVE funkcionalno – kondicijski program
  • SCHOOL 7 – Sportski programi za djecu
  • ACTIVE zdravstveni fitness (program terapije pokretom)*

*Ovi programi spadaju u grupne programe, ali za posebne populacijske skupine, osobe s posebnim ograničenjima i potrebom za modifikacijom vježbi te za osobe sa bolnim stanjima i ozljedama.


Individualni treninzi su treninzi najvišeg standarda, temeljeni na rezultatima dijagnostike te usklađeni s ciljevima klijenta.

U ovom programu potpuno se odgovara preferencijama, osobinama i mogućnostima klijenta.

Klijenta se detaljno podučava, kontrolira i podržava u provedbi svake vježbe te drugim aspektima optimizacije zdravlja i dugovječnosti.

Posebno se preporuča osobama u kineziterapiji, osobama specifičnih trenažnih zahtjeva i ciljeva te osobama kojima treba više inicijalne podrške prilikom ulaska u trenažni program.

Tipovi individualnih trening programa:

  • PILATES na mašinama
  • PILATES na parteru
  • PROGRESSIVE program različitih ciljeva: redukcija potkožne masti, izgradnja mišića, povećanje funkcionalnosti i kondicije, razvoj sposobnosti i dr.
  • TERAPIJA POKRETOM – programi korekcije posture i sanacije bolnih stanja/ozljeda
  • SCHOOL 7 – Sportski program za djecu

Oblici individualnih treninga:

  • Single – jedan klijent s trenerom (1 na 1)
  • Duo – dva klijenta s trenerom (2 na 1)
  • Semi individual – tri klijenta s trenerom (3 na 1)