Considering that everyone is an individual for himself, that he is unique in his breathing, posture and movement, it is precisely the individual diagnosis of breathing that is the basis of every breathing and training program
Breathing diagnostics includes analysis of biochemical and biomechanical aspects of breathing, basic analysis of joint alignment and mobility, examination of the diaphragm, and analysis of the results of specially designed questionnaires.
With this diagnosis, the style and “location” of breathing is determined, ie a clear insight into the regularity and efficiency of breathing is obtained, which is reflected in everyday functionality, health and resistance, as well as cognitive and physical abilities.
Considering that everyone is an individual for himself, that he is unique in his breathing, posture and movement, it is precisely the individual diagnosis of breathing that is the basis of every breathing and training program.
The quality and quantity of breathing will tell us about the state of the nervous system and resistance to stress. At the same time, the examinee’s health and the possibility of developing all abilities depend on them.
The upgraded diagnostic procedure of this service also includes a spiroerfometry test, with which we gain insight into important respiratory parameters and the form of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
With this test, we gain insight into the rhythm and efficiency of breathing, the amount and utilization of oxygen in the body, and its ratio with carbon dioxide.
At the same time, with this test, we obtain the subject’s VO2Max, which is a measure of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) as well as clinical evidence of vitality and an indicator of health.
Based on the obtained results, an individual breathing re-education program is created, which teaches the subject to breathe properly and efficiently. At the same time, the program includes exercises for strengthening the respiratory system and increasing endurance, exercises for relaxation and energization, exercises for the beginning of training and after training, and all additional exercises related to a specific goal.
Želite li prepustiti brigu o svom zdravlju, izgledu i sposobnostima stručnjacima kineziolozima koji imaju preko 26 godina rada u struci, trenirati neograničeno u vrijeme koje vam odgovara te uživati u vrhunskoj produkciji programa, onda se uključite u ovaj ON LINE program.
E-book naših stručnjaka, Mirele Anić i Igora Blažinića pomoći će Vam da steknete formu i naučite tehnike disanja. Ostavite Vašu e-mail adresu i preuzmite Vaš primjerak.
Treninzi u grupama odvijaju se u malim trenažnim skupinama od 6 do 8 polaznika.
Male grupe omogućuju veću individualizaciju programa unutar iste skupine. Treninzi grupa programiraju se s ciljem postizanja konkretnih rezultata za određeni period, poštujući sastav grupe, razinu sposobnosti i mogućnosti klijenata unutar grupe. I unutar grupnih programa pazi se na kvalitetu podučavanja i kontrole izvođenja vježbi svakog sudionika te se nastoji odgovoriti individualno specifičnim zahtjevima klijenata unutar grupe.
Najbolji dio treninga u grupi je motivacijska atmosfera, veselje i pozitivizam koji su važan pokretač u kontinuiranoj brizi za zdravlje i vrhunsku formu.
Preporuča se osobama s ranijim iskustvom u treningu i osobama bez ograničenja, izuzev grupnih Prenatal i Active programa.
*Ovi programi spadaju u grupne programe, ali za posebne populacijske skupine, osobe s posebnim ograničenjima i potrebom za modifikacijom vježbi te za osobe sa bolnim stanjima i ozljedama.
Individualni treninzi su treninzi najvišeg standarda, temeljeni na rezultatima dijagnostike te usklađeni s ciljevima klijenta.
U ovom programu potpuno se odgovara preferencijama, osobinama i mogućnostima klijenta.
Klijenta se detaljno podučava, kontrolira i podržava u provedbi svake vježbe te drugim aspektima optimizacije zdravlja i dugovječnosti.
Posebno se preporuča osobama u kineziterapiji, osobama specifičnih trenažnih zahtjeva i ciljeva te osobama kojima treba više inicijalne podrške prilikom ulaska u trenažni program.