The personal approach of the Body & Mind system begins with an introductory training session. We want to get to know you, your current situation, expectations and goals. Our work is focused on your progress and satisfaction.
Before starting recreational exercise at the Body & Mind center, each person goes through a private INTRODUCTORY TRAINING consisting of consultations, initial diagnostics and a short demonstration training.
In the introductory training, we get to know the habits, possible limitations and pains, and the goals of the individual. We conduct an analysis of breathing mechanics, postural analysis, analysis of walking and movement, body composition and overall motor status, which clearly defines the current state and level of training.
Based on the examination and testing, and again in accordance with the goals of the individual, the focus of the training program is formed and the training program is proposed. In the same class, through a short demonstration training, the client is introduced to the basic working principles and methodology of the center.
This introductory training affects the personalization and efficiency of the selected program, as well as the safety and ultimate satisfaction of the client.
Regardless of whether it is an active or inactive recreationist, choosing a group or individual work mode, every recreation client undergoes an introductory test, which establishes high standards of work from the very beginning.
Since 2003, we have been conducting introductory diagnostics with each client before joining our training system.
When it comes to fitness, Body & Mind is the creator of an individual approach to clients in these areas.
Choose the best for your health, appearance and abilities! Book your INTRODUCTORY TRAINING appointment!
E-book naših stručnjaka, Mirele Anić i Igora Blažinića pomoći će Vam da steknete formu i naučite tehnike disanja. Ostavite Vašu e-mail adresu i preuzmite Vaš primjerak.
Treninzi u grupama odvijaju se u malim trenažnim skupinama od 6 do 8 polaznika.
Male grupe omogućuju veću individualizaciju programa unutar iste skupine. Treninzi grupa programiraju se s ciljem postizanja konkretnih rezultata za određeni period, poštujući sastav grupe, razinu sposobnosti i mogućnosti klijenata unutar grupe. I unutar grupnih programa pazi se na kvalitetu podučavanja i kontrole izvođenja vježbi svakog sudionika te se nastoji odgovoriti individualno specifičnim zahtjevima klijenata unutar grupe.
Najbolji dio treninga u grupi je motivacijska atmosfera, veselje i pozitivizam koji su važan pokretač u kontinuiranoj brizi za zdravlje i vrhunsku formu.
Preporuča se osobama s ranijim iskustvom u treningu i osobama bez ograničenja, izuzev grupnih Prenatal i Active programa.
*Ovi programi spadaju u grupne programe, ali za posebne populacijske skupine, osobe s posebnim ograničenjima i potrebom za modifikacijom vježbi te za osobe sa bolnim stanjima i ozljedama.
Individualni treninzi su treninzi najvišeg standarda, temeljeni na rezultatima dijagnostike te usklađeni s ciljevima klijenta.
U ovom programu potpuno se odgovara preferencijama, osobinama i mogućnostima klijenta.
Klijenta se detaljno podučava, kontrolira i podržava u provedbi svake vježbe te drugim aspektima optimizacije zdravlja i dugovječnosti.
Posebno se preporuča osobama u kineziterapiji, osobama specifičnih trenažnih zahtjeva i ciljeva te osobama kojima treba više inicijalne podrške prilikom ulaska u trenažni program.