“After 10 trainings you will feel better, after 20 trainings you will look better, and after 30 you will have a completely NEW BODY!”
If you want to improve the health of your spine and all joints through training, shape and tone the muscles of your entire body, increase your flexibility and strength, and move with ease, then this is the program for you.
One of the most complete and certainly the most special methods today is Pilates, which is used in therapy, recreation and top sports.
Pilates makes the body strong and flexible , gives importance to breathing, precise movement and movement control. Pilates tones and defines the muscles of the whole body without increasing their volume, which is contributed by working with springs. Pilates is certainly one of the methods that pays the most attention to strengthening and toning the muscles of the abdomen, back and pelvis.
In its modern form, it contains thousands of different exercises on the floor and on specially designed Pilates equipment . This range of exercises enables the great applicability of the method for people of different levels of training, goals and capabilities.
Pilates program on mats – Mat where you work freely with your own body weight with or without added props. An extremely creative and functional program that activates the muscles of the whole body, especially the abdomen, and improves posture, movement and balance .
It can be a separate training or connected to other Pilates programs. It is carried out individually or in small groups , and is recommended to everyone who wants to improve their appearance and health.
A combination of Pilates on mats and on Reformers that takes place in small groups or individually. Because of this combination, it provides great opportunities for individualizing exercises according to posture, goals and capabilities. It tones and shapes the whole body and makes it more stable and mobile. It improves posture, the health of the spine and all joints.
It is recommended to all athletes for the prevention of injuries , recreationists as an additional program to other methods or as a separate program that improves the vitality, functionality and appearance of the body.
The Pilates program, which includes all Pilates equipment – Reformer, Cadillac, Chair, Barrels and Mat, is carried out exclusively in an individual or semi-individual mode.
This program is literally adored by everyone precisely because of the variety and uniqueness of exercises that involve the muscles of the whole body in a very challenging and interesting way. Although it is most reminiscent of gymnastics , Pilates is a special system incomparable to any other, and it is the program on all the devices that demonstrates its other dimension.
This program tones and strengthens the muscles of the whole body , especially the abdomen and back , shapes the arms and legs, and contributes to great self-confidence precisely because of the effect on the efficiency and beauty of movement and posture.
U Body & Mind Centru u narednom periodu održati će se radionice namijenjene svim pripadnicima opće populacije, neovisno o trenutnom stanju i nivou treniranosti.
Želite li prepustiti brigu o svom zdravlju, formi i sposobnostima, trenirati neograničeno u vrijeme koje vam odgovara te uživati u vrhunskoj produkciji, onda je ova platforma za vas.
Ako želite saznati kako poboljšati svoje zdravlje, voditi zdrav i aktivan život, kako se pravilno hraniti i vježbati, nositi sa stresom i drugim izazovima, pročitajte naše savjete.
STOTT PILATES® is the most respected international school of contemporary Pilates based in Toronto. It was built on the principles of classical learning and upgraded with new knowledge from biomechanics and spinal rehabilitation. The emphasis of this method is on preserving the natural curves of the spine , stabilizing the center of the body and the shoulder girdle, neutral positioning of the joints and proper breathing.
STOTT PILATES® is the originator of a modern approach to Pilates based on science, and focused on the needs of today’s man . It covers thousands of exercises that it wants to answer with different postures, different goals and intensities. In addition to recreation, due to its modern biomechanical principles and a series of exercise variations, it is mostly used in the therapy of painful conditions and injuries and is a favorite method of physiotherapists.
PROGRESSIVE PILATES® was created in 2000 based on the teachings of modern Pilates. It is the author’s method of Body & Mind, which combines Pilates with other aspects of functional training . This method is based on special principles of progression, integrates many exercises in a vertical position, changing the tempo of the exercises and various props such as dumbbells, kettlebells, tires, bars, BOSU balls, etc.
Precisely because it provides more intensity and challenge to the exercisers and because it is extremely interesting, it is a favorite of recreationists and athletes , especially those who like more dynamic training.
Did you know that our Mirela Anić is one of the pioneers of Pilates in this area, a pioneer of modern learning and a leading Pilates educator? Since 2004, she has trained hundreds of trainers from the entire region and held many trainings in EU countries.
Mentored by the leaders of the Pilates world, she brought to the method her deep thinking, open mind and pure intention to transfer her knowledge and teaching with passion to all her clients, students and her team. Body & Mind is proud of its experience in Pilates and the legitimacy it enjoys due to the work and achievements of Mirela Anić .
To all of you, it is a guarantee for Pilates training of the highest standard!
Želite li prepustiti brigu o svom zdravlju, izgledu i sposobnostima stručnjacima kineziolozima koji imaju preko 26 godina rada u struci, trenirati neograničeno u vrijeme koje vam odgovara te uživati u vrhunskoj produkciji programa, onda se uključite u ovaj ON LINE program.
E-book naših stručnjaka, Mirele Anić i Igora Blažinića pomoći će Vam da steknete formu i naučite tehnike disanja. Ostavite Vašu e-mail adresu i preuzmite Vaš primjerak.
Treninzi u grupama odvijaju se u malim trenažnim skupinama od 6 do 8 polaznika.
Male grupe omogućuju veću individualizaciju programa unutar iste skupine. Treninzi grupa programiraju se s ciljem postizanja konkretnih rezultata za određeni period, poštujući sastav grupe, razinu sposobnosti i mogućnosti klijenata unutar grupe. I unutar grupnih programa pazi se na kvalitetu podučavanja i kontrole izvođenja vježbi svakog sudionika te se nastoji odgovoriti individualno specifičnim zahtjevima klijenata unutar grupe.
Najbolji dio treninga u grupi je motivacijska atmosfera, veselje i pozitivizam koji su važan pokretač u kontinuiranoj brizi za zdravlje i vrhunsku formu.
Preporuča se osobama s ranijim iskustvom u treningu i osobama bez ograničenja, izuzev grupnih Prenatal i Active programa.
*Ovi programi spadaju u grupne programe, ali za posebne populacijske skupine, osobe s posebnim ograničenjima i potrebom za modifikacijom vježbi te za osobe sa bolnim stanjima i ozljedama.
Individualni treninzi su treninzi najvišeg standarda, temeljeni na rezultatima dijagnostike te usklađeni s ciljevima klijenta.
U ovom programu potpuno se odgovara preferencijama, osobinama i mogućnostima klijenta.
Klijenta se detaljno podučava, kontrolira i podržava u provedbi svake vježbe te drugim aspektima optimizacije zdravlja i dugovječnosti.
Posebno se preporuča osobama u kineziterapiji, osobama specifičnih trenažnih zahtjeva i ciljeva te osobama kojima treba više inicijalne podrške prilikom ulaska u trenažni program.